weekend of working/pointless blog

I'm not a big fan of working on sundays. But here I an sitting on my couch waiting for the absolute last minute to get ready for work. But I didn't blog yesterday, and thought, I'd blog today.

I'm pretty much done reading the Kind Diet, just a few more pages, that deserve my attention more than I'm willing to give it this weekend. So I started the third book in the series I'm reading my J.R. Ward. I'm halfway through. Sometimes I think its good to dump some fun in brain. I've also put Eating Animals on my bedside table and I'll get back to that when I'm willing to give it my full attention.

So I'd much rather stay home and relax today as well..but thus is life, work exists...I love what I do, but thank goodness I start my vacation time next Sunday.

Oh and because I love to talk about food, I will let you know that I have been enjoying a wonderful breakast for the past few days, I'm hooked. Apple Cinnamon toasted pitas. Yumyum. I'm trying to give up peanut butter for a while, so I bought them as an alternative to the toast and PB I've been having. I love the swap.


  1. mmm sounds yummy!

    I've learned that eating the same breakfast everyday is not good though, so maybe do the PB one day and the pitas the next? PB is also one of those foods that is okay, but not great for everyday. I hope you are eating natural pb though, the other stuff is full of sugar.

    I'm so jealous btw. I love PB, why or why do I have to be allergic to peanuts?

  2. PB is not that great for you, even in its natural form. The same thing everyday isn't a bad thing if you eat at the same time, your stomach digests in patterns. I actually think I have an intolerance to something else, and I'm elinating PB for a while to see if it helps. And then I'll probably switch back to almond butter.
