Eat, Pray, Love...remarry

I don't think I've ever been so excited to read an article in a magazine until today. I open my mailbox, there is my Chatelaine (free subscription, thanks Rogers). I glance over the cover and in the bottom left corner are the words "Eat, Pray, Love....remarry. Elizabeth Gilbert faces her fears". WHy am I so excited? because Eat Pray Love is my favourite book, not in the whole, ohwhat a nice story, or it kept my attention, or there is a really romantic vampire in it. But because it was a memoir of a woman who was so honest about her life that her book that can be found in the travel section, or memoir, should really be in the self-help section of the book store. I will go as far to say, that it was life changing, in the eye-opening, find out what makes you happy, kinda way. So to see that years have past and she has written this new book, excites me beyond belief.

I had a brief moment, very brief, where I was scared that her new book, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage, would disappoint me. After reading the interview in the magazine I decided that her honesty can't disappoint me. Although, this new book isn't as much of a memoir as it is a novel, I can't be disappointed knowing that she wrote this with her honesty, dry wit and goofball self-depricating nature.

1 comment:

  1. Okay apparently I am going to comment on every post... er blog... whatever you call this.

    I am still reading that book. I have the same problem and for a while was down to just 3 books, but am now back up to 4. To be honest I can't remember the last time I finished one and I still have so many on my shelf to read... perhaps I should resolve to finish all these books this year.
