So, its my birthday. At least for the next hour and a half its still my birthday. Perhaps I'll milk the non-accomplishment of getting another year older through the weekend though. "but its my birthday...." seems to get people out of doing things they don't want. Recently my husband said when we arrived our friend's first home to check it out...
"its so nice to congratulate people on something they've accomplished, unlike a birthday."
I suppose I accomplished staying alive for 28 years. For those who know how accident prone I am, it can probably be deemed an accomlishment. Perhaps I should give gifts to my parents on my birthday, especially mom. you know, for the whole birth thing.
As I get older I find it hard to enjoy my birthday. Its not the fact that I'm getting older, I don't mind that too much when I really think about it. I find there is too much pressure. what to do. what do I want. If I say, 'read a book and nothing please', it doesn't actually go over well. And if I were to receive a gift, I wouldn't turn it away.
Today I worked for an hour longer then I should have. I split take out with my hubby. We went to go see a very funny movie (Dinner For Shmucks). It doesn't sound like a lot, but it was a nice day. Perhaps I'll see some friends and family over the weekend while not at work and drink some wine and catch up.
So, what I really want to know you like your birthday? how do you like to celebrate? is there a secret to enjoying the attention?
8 years ago