I'm alive...I'm alive

Okay, sorry blogworld. I'm alive. I've been so busy its hard to choose what I was going to write about. I certainly haven't been cooking that much, or painting (at least not canvas) or reading..

What have I been doing you ask? well after my trip to VA beach, and then to Montreal its been a lot of working. AND a whole lot of house stuff....Rollin and I met one of our goals to purchase a home around our 5 year anniversary. We signed our offer in May and then signed our names so many times for our closing on July 16th, I considered changing my name.

The new house has been consuming...probably because, its not new. We certainly decided to take on a lot of renos and improvements. We had 11 days to work on the house before we moved in because our lease was up at the apartment. My goodness. We've been house-consumed.

Things are starting to settle down now. This place is becoming our home. We are excited about the changes. So here's to hoping I have a chance to blog more.

1 comment:

  1. an exciting adventure, home-ownership, but not enough to fulfill you - we're here when the craziness calms down :)
