ugh work

(wow so I just typed a legthy blog and then it got erased...i'm pretty sure it was autosaving but its nowhere to be found....grrrr)
Today was my first day back at work, I got in, looked at my schedule, and it was a very full book. I'm not surprised, just a tad annoyed, not sure why people don't spread things out. But anyway, it looked as though I wasn't going to get a chance to eat or pee I was so jam packed. Thankfully I wasn't working at a sloth's rate so I was able to have a chance to eat the yummy lunch I packed for myself (President's Choice world's best meatless chicken breast with a side of quinoa cooked in garlic and seasoned with hot sauce and soy sauce, yum)

I always find it hard to go back to work after vacation, you just get in the mode of eating when you want, sleeping with you want, reading when you want...peeing when you want. But I found it especially hard to go back to work today. When I left for vacation a few awesome girls had just left the salon, and although replaced with an awesome girl that used to work with us, it was just too different. stations had been moved around, it just felt weird. I realize that I work in an industry of change, and I should probably just get used to it, but seriously, I just wanted to throw a tantrum today...even though things ran very smoothly.

Yesterday, was a usual Tuesday for me, went to the chiropractor, picked up Rollin from work, went to pick up some seriously needed equipment for work, went to starbucks (totally necessary, had to pick up a treat for brigitte who got shoved by our elderly insane neighbour because she complained about this woman's rooster alarm clock waking her up at 4am daily, insanity). Then rollin took the car to go to job #2 (btw, the is working 74 hours this week without a day off, insane, I probably shouldn't complain about my busy schedule.). I sat around reading for the rest of the evening which was good I had no plans on doing anything, I felt quite sick after an accidental dairy incident. I went to Montfort's for lunch on Monday with my mom and they servedme rice even though I didn't order it, so I took it home and heated it up with soy and hot sauce and dug right in last night. It didn't take long for me to realize I just ate buttered rice, the tummy ache and headache was brutal, one way to learn a lesson about remembering to always ask how things are prepared...ick.

anyway, time to finish the book I started last night. the 5th book in that vampire series. It'll be the 7th or 8th book of the year. then its on to the 6th book of the series if it doesn't keep me up too late. Goodnight all...

watch out for the fullmoon crazies by the way, itson Saturday, but don't worry the crzies usually just find me.

1 comment:

  1. just being a technical minded jerk as usual, but if it was a "meatless chicken breast" wouldnt it just be the bone?
